Health At Every Size®Resources
Take a look below at some suggested readings, podcasts and social media accounts to step away from diet culture and gain a more in-depth understanding of Health At Every Size®, Non Diet Approach and Intuitive Eating. There are also some suggested readings for clients and their families working towards healing from a diagnosed eating disorder. These lists are by no means exhaustive, its just a small sample to get you started.
Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
Anti-Diet, by Christy Harrison
The Body Is Not An Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor
Body of Truth, by Harriet Brown
Body Respect, by Lindo Bacon & Lucy Aphramor
Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls, Jes Baker
What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat, by Aubrey Gordon
Binge Eating Disorder - The Journey to Recovery and Beyond, by Amy Pershing with Chevese Turner
How to Raise an Intuitive Eater - by Sumner Brooks and Amy Severson
What Happened to You? - By Oprah Winfrey and Dr Bruce Perry
Sick Enough - by Jennifer L. Gaudiani
Reclaiming Body Trust - by Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant
Life without Ed (Tenth Anniversary Edition) - by Jenni Schaefer
Food Psych - Christy Harrison
Maintenance Phase - Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes
Websites (Association for Size Diversity and Health) (Fiona Willer) (research-informed body-positive parenting resource) (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance)
Social Media
Having a spring clean of your social media can be a helpful way to reduce the impact and influences of diet culture. Some suggested weight inclusive, HAES® aligned social media pages you might like to follow, to get you started, are listed below (this is by no means exhaustive). These are Instagram but you can find many of them on Facebook too.