Dietitian At Your Table

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Not All About Food

What does 'healthy' mean to you? It's no surprise to hear a dietitian say that good nutrition plays a vital role in your health, and it absolutely does. However, looking at the 'big picture', also consider other important factors contributing towards a healthy is so important but 'it's not all about food'.  

1. Social - interacting with family and friends and networking with colleagues all provide an opportunity to develop and grow relationships, share worries, make memories, laugh, chat and have fun. A happy you helps to make a healthy you - 'it's not all about food'. 

2. Exercise - finding movement you love and incorporating it into your daily lifestyle helps towards a healthy you - 'it's not all about food'.

3. Mind - having hobbies/interests (reading, music, sports, catchups with friends) helps to keep your mind fit, active, focused and healthy. A happy, healthy you - 'it's not all about food'. 

4. Sleep - eating well and exercise can help improve sleep (as can having children that like to sleep through the night!) A good nights' sleep can help in achieving a happier more energetic you - 'it's not all about food'.

5. 'You' time - taking time out for you. To read, move, socialise, do whatever makes you happy and healthy - 'it's not all about food'.

So, that’s it in a nutshell. A dietitian with a holistic view on achieving a happier, healthier you - physically and mentally. Healthy is a lifestyle - a 'style for life'...individualised, different for everyone. So yes, eat well (everything in moderation) and love the food you eat, but also move your body and do what makes you happy - a healthy you, 'it's not all about food'. 


Your ‘Not All About Food’ Dietitian, 

At Your Table.