Togs, togs, togs....UNDIES!
Wouldn't it be great, if our only concern with wearing togs was whether we were close enough to the beach to ensure they weren’t mistaken for undies! (think kiwi icecream advert!)
If you're beginning to contemplate how to get your body 'summer ready' for the umpteenth summer season, I'd love you to take pause and consider…
Is this really what you want to do?
Who are you doing it for? Yourself? Or to meet society's expectations of what a body 'should' look like.
Is another restrictive diet or rigid exercise plan really helping you live a meaningful life in line with your values?
What if, instead, you embraced the body you have and appreciate it for all it is able to do (including rocking a pair of togs!). Let’s agree it’s not as simple as this! But hopefully you see where I’m heading.
Because, have you ever stopped to consider how ridiculous it is that we need to somehow prepare our bodies for a change in season, simply because society told us to? When did you stop becoming the boss of you? When did your thoughts and feelings of your own body image get swayed by someone else? And are you ok with this?
What if, this summer, the only adaptation you made to your body, was slapping on some sunscreen, sunnies and a hat.
That would be pretty great.